Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Another Christmas done and dusted..

Well then... thats another Christmas day done with. Another year of enduring the same old crap on the TV, Christmas songs on every radio station and all the "Yo Ho Ho Merry Christmas" nonsense. Just the New Years Eve stuff to put up with now and then back to some sort of normality.
Can't you tell I just love it..  NOT.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

It might be Christmas but this just ain't funny if you're a cat...

Oh No...  It's Christmas again... So lets dress up the cats...!

 Can you tell I'm not impressed...?

 I'll play along..

And my sister is really NOT happy..!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Chris Nicholls Photography: Views from the south prom

Chris Nicholls Photography: Views from the South prom: Here's a couple of shots from my favourite part of the prom, there's lots to photograph at south shore be it the pleasure beach or the sculp...

Friday, 7 December 2012


They only realised the other day that they have a mate who's a Dave Grohl lookalike...! 


Finding new places to play

Here's what happened last time there was work being done that involved lifting floorboards.

And where one goes the other always has to follow. 

An introduction..

Well this is me..

 My name is Rossi. Valentino Rossi like the great Moto GP rider. This is my first go at blogging but hopefully i'll get the hang of it pretty quick.

My humans love bike racing so thats how I ended up with the name.They think i'm a bit daft and crazy so thats where the "Daftcat" bit came from, well I am a Bengal after all.

Hopefully there's plenty of stuff going on in this house to keep you amused with on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure if I can't find anything to write about myself then those two humans I live with are usually up to something stupid that I can write about. If not... there's always my sister to pick on. I'm always keeping myself amused by running around the house like a crazy thing chasing her about. Saying that... she's pretty good at getting into mischief without any help of me.
Well..there's a bit of an introduction so i'm going to cause a bit of havoc as I think he's got the floorboards up downstairs.